Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where are you?

At times
you have my back
you back me up
as if i will have no worries at the backyard
but only courage to move forward

At times
you are at my side
you side me
for whatever i do
justifying rightfulness regardless how stupid it is

At times
you are surrounding me
you stalk me
as if i am a candy
and you are a spoiled little girl

At times
you are in front
i have your back
as if i need to push a little bit
before you fly off to the sky like a timid angel

Some night i woke up in tears from nightmare
wondering where the hell are you
you smile to me
touching my hair gently
kissing my forehead softly
and tell me
you are everywhere

you are stalking me

But no worries
you are no where better
because i am with you
all the time


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Earth Hour and beyond

At the night of Earth Hour
light was switched off
the darkness descended
she was dressing up that night

though her name is darkness
and she has been always invisible
but at that very special night
she dressed up so elegantly
or people did for her
people were witnessing her charm
she stood out
in front of everyone
in the heat of celebration


this is actually more than meeting the eyes

*At the night, people turned off the light for an hour. They celebrate it with many ideas. Some drove to mountain to see the night city skyline morphing from luminosity to dullness. Maybe petrol was used more than needed. CO2 was emitted more than usual. And within the hour, the electricity generating factories were still running non-stop. Carbon emission was still enormous. Whatever. Earth Hour is actually not only about switching off light. It is about energy saving, water saving etc. From individual micro scale accumulating up to macro generality. Use less. Reduce demand. Thus stop expanding power generation plants. Reduce our environmental footprint. *

Celebration of the day
with no doubt
became the fastest way to promote the idea
to call for awareness
darkness became a celebrity all of a sudden
people got together for the celebration
some forgot the pure intention
some got to do something even more energy wasting

Earth Hour
a campaign was supposed to evoke sense of responsibility and awareness
how we should keep energy saving on the right track
to the very effort we can do
for the sake of our future
our kids' future

energy saving
is the essence to be listed in to-do for everyday life

sustainable living
is the way to go
all these
should be done as a routine with fun

celebrating Earth Hour with fun is a good thing
not forgetting what we should be doing everyday

having fun while doing good
is the ideal
without compromising too much of daily lifestyle awfully

and hopefully sooner
Earth Hour does not need to be celebrated in extravagant ways
if everyone celebrate by saving energy everyday

it will just need to be a remembrance in the future
