Saturday, March 28, 2009

1 hour, without light on, makes us feel the importance of electricity.
60 minutes, without electricity, amaze us how our ancestors have had their nights, at places where unpleasant weather lands.

Clean up the mess that we produce,
Global Warming.
Reduce our carbon emission footprint, to save a little more for our earth, and our coming kids.

p/s: Quit smoking too, people.


momo said...

噢 直到今天下午我才恍然大悟 明白了CK為甚麼在他生日晚上講話如此神祕 哈 那個無聊的人本就不用隱藏甚麼


我也是愚鈍吧 自責 Whatever; Australian 帶來了 Earch hour 畢竟是一件好事 lol

kai 凯 said...

神秘吗? 什么什么?
what hav i missed out? tell me tell me..

p/s: 他很无聊, 但不无聊呢. ^_^