Wednesday, October 8, 2008


(Reminded by m.yin, i browsed back the pictures of my Cameron Highland trip early this year which recalled sweet and sour memory of mine. Nevertheless, i found this picture i took on the fields of Watercress plantation.)

When you do micro-observation to your surrounding environment, you will be amazed by how the living organism in the world strives to survive the tough situations. Here, i am impressed by how the plants and micro organism surviving for their good in the water and on the move. They possess the sense of belonging amazingly in such unstable condition. You would question my observation about the micro organism that i couldnt see with my bare eyes. But, i studied biology before, and here, simply looking at the color combination revealed from the picture. You would agree that lives are inside! They enhanced the colors of life. The moving water here serves as the tough challenge for them to hold a place of micro ecology, yet, it plays the role as the interface of bringing nutrition.

The dualism of water, and the strong will to survive of those organism, bring up a picture of growth from extremes.


近来,突然想起朋友说过‘助养小孩’的事情。结果,我就参与了 Save the Children。There is another popular similar program- World Vision. But what bother a bit to me from World Vision is that it sounds more about Christianity and even the permanent staffs are all Christians only. I do not have any bias position to any religions. But my very intention about helping the children, should be something very neutral, regardless of races, politics, religions etc.

Therefore, spontaneously i have joined Save the Children. I dont know i will be a Child Guardian of who. But just hope every little help given will be sufficient enough to ease them from their struggling difficulty and provide a Performance Stage for them to grow, to learn and to explore more. I hope many kids are nurtured in better environments. Kids are adorable. They are to sustain the future.


m.yin said...

哦~ world vision 的助养儿童真的很不错!我也有个缅甸的儿子叻,哈哈! 虽然我是佛教徒,不过行善为本,无所谓的吧~

m.yin said...


kai 凯 said...

嗯. 行善为本,无所谓的 ^_^ . 只是我在有选择的时候做的决定. 对啊, 早知道妳是很善良的.

我也超爱喝西洋菜汤的. 想念. 在melbourne 没喝过.

jEfFReY said...

dude, long time no visit loo, shi liang ar ~~
hohoho, how are u ooo, blog a lot ar~~

next time share with me your experience with zhu yang children ooo, i also planning for one in near future ~