Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Is there a Santa Claus?

"Yes, there is. He is always in your heart."

If you question is there a Santa Claus, you can read the answer below:
English source: http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/
Chinese translation: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3ca594d8010000u1.html

It is good to share.
Thanks Boey.


w.Wen said...

Ahh..so touched!
Childlike faith is wonderful.(n.n)

Boey said...

steady man...
I tried to find the english versiob but failed..
You did it!!

kai 凯 said...

touched right. ^_^ . is the faith that matters.

^_^ i m google king. of cos could find lo. lol..

Boey said...

You means i am not? =p
Anyway, it's really good for sharing :)