Sunday, November 9, 2008

I've got the guts

Lately, the whole environment has been fluxed with uncertainties, so has been my life. I am about to move out from my current house. Plus, it has been quite a lot of architects got retrenched in architecture realm. Plus, i am waiting for my PR to be approved here which means my identity here is still in vagueness. Plus, i will go back to Malaysia for the year end holiday. Somehow, it seems to be the safest to stay still for now, to endure the storm of uncertainties. This however may not equal to the best.

Everyone smells it. The smell of worries over finance, employment etc. The smell of recession is strong and so maybe been exaggerated to some extents. The smell of Risk. . And who actually sees the opportunity beyond? . Safest to be the Still maybe. Risk and potential are tight on each side on a stream line of the Move. I am not sure what step i move may lead me to which side.

I have no ideas. But i have got the guts. I am going to have my holiday that will last for about 7 weeks. Among most of my friends who have freshly graduated (1 year or so experience is still considered as fresh for me) and are/are going to be permanent staffs, i should be the only one of my kind that have the guts to go for such a long holiday at a time like this: 'the economy slump and employment massacre'. I am never a brave person, nor am i smart. And i do not have enough wisdom, despite i have been feeling the wisdom in my teeth for a while already. Nevertheless, my holiday plan just happened to be a pre-conditionally misleaded one and hence needs justified.

My holiday was planned before the economy crisis. AUD currency was strong by then (just to let you imagine that everyone thought the economy and employment here were good by then) . Of course, AUD or whatsoever of that has nothing to do with my plan. My initiative of the holiday plan consists of: C'mas, New Year eve, family gathering and trip before my sisters go back to schools, meeting up with friends, CNY eve, and last but not least, my wisdom teeth operation. I do need some time to have all these done in my holiday.

I am quite looking forward to going back for holiday. Horoscope-ly speaking, a Cancer, like me, does rely and love his shell. After all, it is the shell that has been keeping him safe. He will polish his shell and make it a nice dreamy home for his family.

Well, frankly speaking, some degree of worries does cover my holiday plan. I am not sure if i am still of my company need when i am back to here. Anyway, most likely, i will just stick with the plan. The words from my friend Soma inevitably kept popping in my mind. Roughly, he said something like this: things always go beyond our grasp of control regardless of how foreseeable our plans have been worked out. We can never get the plan we planned. Because things not often work out the ways you hope. So, i guess what i will do is just to try my best to fulfill it. And, move on, with my faith. Faith, for having my plan appropriated to the best i can do, believing it is initiated from good wills.

With faith, we move on.
(also to my buddy CK)

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